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Run pip install mkdocs to install.

Check if installed:

mkdocs --version

Quick Start

Local Work

Change directory to your workspace, and run mkdocs new dir_name to init a mkdocs dir.

Serve on localhost: mkdocs serve

Build sites: mkdocs build

Remote Work

First, create a repo on Github manually.

Then run as follows:

git init
git remote add origin
# run in your mkdocs dir, this will automatically run git push to gh-pages branch
mkdocs gh-deploy

Don't forget to set your repo githubpage:

Settings-Pages-Source(Deploy from a branch)-Branch(gh-pages, /(root))


Github Page:

mkdocs build
mkdocs gh-deploy

Source code:

git add .
git commit -m "change xxx"
git push --set-upstream origin source


Thanks Above